Chinese ENGLISH  
  Guangzhou Blue Bird Clothes Co., Ltd is a professional supplier of clothes components. With years of experience, we have established our own manufactory as well as cooperation with several manufacture enterprises. Our products include Taiwan laces, eyelash laces, elastic laces, cotton thread laces, cotton cloth laces, Shuirong laces, meshwork laces, bosom and collar laces, hand-draw, hand-shake and hand-embroidery bead laces and pearl & line embroideries and so forth. There are altogether over 10000 kinds. Mostly made by PC, they are broadly applied to make underwear, pajamas, fashionable dresses, beddings, sockets, umbrellas and toys.
    Clothes express spirit of the time. As a professional supplier of clothes components, we are responsible to provide the best components for our customers, helping them to meet the quickly changing market demand.
    If you are a designer, why not have a look at our products? Maybe they will arouse inspiration in the next second!
    If you are purchaser, we believe our products will bring you new business opportunity!
    If you are a passer, also you’d better take a look at our products, maybe your friends need them...
    We greatly appreciate your recommendation!
    We believe that Blue Bird Clothes will be wonderful for your support


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Tel:02034300872  Fax:02034301290   Post:510300
Company address:广州市海珠区新港西路152号39栋3--102房
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