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信息主题:裘皮獭兔编织围巾 [供应]
有 效 期:长期
    易兴皮草有限公司:主要加工生产兔毛二排球围巾, 兔毛三排球围巾,兔毛四排球围巾,兔毛五排球围巾,兔毛八排球围巾,串球围巾,獭兔编织围巾,兔毛正皮围巾等裘皮围巾,我们是自己生产,质量可靠,价格低廉.
    Yi Xing Company : The main fur processing rabbit hair scarf two volleyball, volleyball three rabbit hair scarf, shawl rabbit hair four volleyball, volleyball rabbit hair scarf five, eight volleyball rabbit hair scarf, shawl Series ball, Rex woven scarves, rabbit hair is skin scarves and other fur shawl, we produce reliable, low prices. Yi Xing fur Ltd., located in Hebei Province will increase Zaojiangxian town here -- known as "the world have fur," said transport and communication links and the Beijing - Kowloon Railway runs through the whole country. The company is willing to strengthen contacts with friends from all walks of life at home and abroad to exchange technology, work together to create a better tomorrow century.
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 联 系 人:葛易兴 ()
 联系电话:86-0318-8522617 ,
 联系地址:河北枣强   邮编:053100
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