Yun Qian Stock Trading Company
Chinese ENGLISH  
  Yun Qian Stock recovery garment accessories is a professional recycling all kinds of garment accessories factory inventories of goods, defective goods, waste products, including: inventory of raw materials to manufacturers, such as the backlog of inventory of materials, mainly the acquisition of product inventory lace, ribbon stock, stock rubber band, elastic inventory, stock fabric, stock luggage accessories, inventory cotton belt, cotton rope Stock, Stock PP belt, shoulder strap inventory, inventory of textiles, stock inventory magic, high elasticity yarn inventory, inventory低弹丝, Stock rope line, inventory zipper, stock buttons, Interlining Stock, Stock underlayment, stock lace garment, stock suit shoulder pads, chest down stock, stock sleeve cotton shells, inventory from the end of velvet, such as:
    The Company is developing a broader supply of space in good faith and look forward to you the best long-term partner! If the manufacturers of these goods (or company) to deal with the backlog of inventory please contact us, you only need to call to provide relevant information, we immediately sent forward to negotiate pricing, cash transactions,
    Welcome to call the vendor asked! Contact: Mr. Zou 15079177983 QQ: 328038608

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Tel:15079177983  Fax:   Post:897509
Company address:广东中山
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