Hangzhou Xiaoshan Xuefeng embroidery
Chinese ENGLISH  
  The factory production of various types of computer embroidery, garment accessories of water-soluble color embroidery collar insignia, net cloth embroidery, embroidery full side, net cloth embroidery lace fabric, embroidery flower, flower embroidery lace collar, brooch, tablets, hand set beads, embroidery processing a variety of handmade multi-color clothing materials, direct manufacturer manual process and nearly 10 years of production experience (have certain advantages are all directly in the rural manual workers hands do). Long term for Guangzhou, Shanghai, Quanzhou, Xiamen, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Hongkong garment factory and Trade Company production are sold to various handmade products and garment accessories in Europe and America and Southeast Asia and other places, the quality of the products and delivery has been praised by customers. Welcome to inquire 13735562832 Mr.

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Tel:13735562832  Fax: E-mail:1660779965@qq.com   Post:311200
Company address:杭州萧山瓜沥镇坎山民丰河村
Copyright:©2014-2024 Hangzhou Xiaoshan Xuefeng embroidery  Design by:Intaa