Talon Zipper(Shenzhen),Ltd.
Chinese ENGLISH  
  Talon is not only the original American zipper, lending stylish clothes the perfect finishing touch since 1893, but it’s also at the forefront of fashion’s cutting edge: Leading designers and brands such as Levi Strauss & Co., BCBG, and Abercrombie & Fitch call on Talon today for premium, cost-effective zippers. Talon’s products can be classic or trendy, from our reinvention of the original jeans zipper to custom-designed pulls, but they’re always ahead of the curve. That inventiveness extends to our global sales, product development and distribution system; our experienced technical and creative teams; our value pricing; and our total flexibility in delivery and special orders. We’re guided in this effort by our parent company, Tag-It Pacific, a full-service trim supplier known for its revolutionary approach to trim management.

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Tel:0755-89630288  Fax: E-mail:garycheng@talonzipper.com   Post:518111
Company address:广东省深圳市龙岗区平湖华南城P-2商务中心601室
Copyright:©2007-2024 Talon Zipper(Shenzhen),Ltd.  Design by:Intaa